Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Entry 12

Angel Mosaics

Artist Unknown

San Giovanni (Baptistry), Florence


90 feet

The detailed ceiling of the Baptistery depicts many biblical scenes and images. The second ring of figure depictions is of the angels. The ring is composed of eight trapezoids. In the trapezoid which sits above Christ and a depiction of the last judgment there is another scene where Christ is surrounded by two cherubim and two seraphim. Here Christ holds a text which states “I, God, created the Angels.” The remaining seven trapezoids are filled with the seven orders of angels: Dominions, Powers, Archangels, Angels, Principalities, Virtues, and Thrones. All of the angel’s heads are tilted down in adoration and turned towards the depiction of Jesus showing their respect and Jesus’ authority over them. The angels are the closest depiction to the light showing their closeness to God Almighty.


Tours of Tuscany, Italy. Web 12 Apr 2010.

Piazza del Duomo Informational Pamphlet

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