Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Entry 10

Tabernacle, Cavalcanti Annunciation (1433-1435)
Santa Croce, Florence
approximately 6'x6'

This beautiful stone representation of the Annunciation was commissioned by Nicolo Cavalcanti for a now-destroyed chapel in Santa Croce. Donatello gave a unique interpretation of the Annunciation through this piece. The gold detailing subtly accents the background, as well as the garments worn by Mary and Gabriel. Unlike many paintings of this scene, Mary and Gabriel fill the frame almost completely. Donatello most likely intended this to show their importance in this scene, and to reduce distractions due to background or things Mary might be holding that are present in so many other depictions of the Annunciation. In addition, this type of life-size depiction pulls the viewer into the scene, so to speak. This is especially important in a stone relief, where the artist cannot use color to make the scene more realistic. Both figures are tilted towards the front, to continue to draw the viewer into the scene. The warmth of the gold contrasts interestingly with the cold stone, intriguing the viewer and causing the eye to linger on this magnificent piece of art.

Santa Croce information placard

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